Digitizing the Collection
The first stage of the FWWCP Archive Project was simple: Retrieve as many publications as possible and secure them in a professional archival/special collections space that aligned with the cultural and political commitments of the FWWCP to the working class. This was achieved when the Trade Union Collective agreed to house the materials.
With the initial stage complete, the FWWCP Archival project is now moving into its second stage: Use technology to enable FWWCP communities to regain access to these important publications. To that end, the project partners are engaged in two related projects:
1. To digitize the existing collection, making all the collected materials available as downloadable PDFs.
2. To use augmented reality software to allow individuals to link images of their home communities to related FWWCP publications.
Both of these projects are dependent on gaining permission from FWWCP authors to digitize their work. While copyright law might allow this to occur under “educational use” terms, the FWWCP was ruled by an ethos of author control of his/her work. With that spirit in mind, we are reaching out to authors to secure their permission.
How Can You Help
If you know an FWWCP author, we hope you will inform them of the project, asking them to contact us, or provide us with their contact information. We will reach out to them immediately to secure their permission.
Related Projects and Other Links
On the Record's project A Hackney Autobiography based on the history of Centerprise.