The ultimate goal of the FWWCP Archive Project is to make the collected publications available as PDFs so they can be read in the communities in which they were produced.
(See Projects for details on how this will occur.) As an initial step in this project, the following FWWCP publications are being made available at no charge. More texts will be added to this page as the project continues, with the ultimate goal being a link in the Archive search engine to every book in the collection. Please note: if you find particular texts you're interested in having digitized immediately for research, email or
Sample Publications: Below are some PDFs from FWWCP members. If you were an FWWCP member and would like to have a publication added, please contact Jess Pauszek: or
*We will remove any book from our free PDF system at the request of any author and/or publisher.*
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Flood, Sally Paper Talk.pdf891.38 KB
Gizza Poem.pdf712.37 KB
In Exile.pdf2.54 MB
Usherwood, Vivian. Poems.pdf1.16 MB
Mills, Roger. The Interview.pdf12.46 MB
Agbah, Florence. The Survivor.pdf838.63 KB